Tuesday 27 January 2015

Vinayan Against Mohanlal And Lalisom!

Director Vinayan harshly criticized Mohanlal and his new venture Lalisom Music Band, through his official Facebook page. 

The director bashed out against the actor for charging 2 crore rupees for performing in the National Games inaugural ceremony.
  Vinayan says that it is unfortunate that Mohanlal is charging such a whopping amount for the launch of his not-so famous band, in a highly prestigious platform like National Games inaugural function. 

The director feels that such a big chance should have been provided to some other promising music band of Kerala. Vinayan also points that Lalisom is a completely new venture, which has been established by Mohanlal himself, for publicising his star image.

He also stated his huge respect for the renowned cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, who agreed to participate in the event, without charging any remuneration.

 Vinayan also criticized Sports Minister for his immature decision and poor organizing skills. Vinayan's Facebook post, in which he criticizes Mohanlal and National 

Games authorities has been going viral on social networking sites. The fans and media has already came forward in support for the director. As per the latest reports, Mohanlal has already signed the 

contract for performing in the National Games inaugural ceremony and has received an advance of 80 lakh rupees. The actor hasn't commented on Vinayan's allegations yet.