As everyone was gearing up to watch the contestants who will enter the Celebrity Big Brother house in 2015, presenter, Emma Willis suffered an embarrassing moment on the stage. It was a big night where celebrities who are contesting were introduced and entering the house. However, the 38-year-old presenter,
Emma Willis suffered a nip slip when her lace top revealed a nipple on the stage. Emma Willis took the night on fire with her skills and looks. Emma wore an all black ensemble for the CBB 2015. The presenter looked super chic in an
all-black outfit which consisted of a sheer lace top, leather trousers and black jacket. While walking the stage, Emma raised her hand and at that moment, her blazer jacket revealed the lace top which showed her nipple.
Courtesy: Twitter But, the wardrobe malfunction at Celebrity Big Brother 2015's stage could not stop presenter, Emma Willis to continue the entertainment. So who all are contesting in 2015's biggest reality TV show, Celebrity Big Brother?
14 contestants including Katie Hopkins, Cami Li, Chloe Goodman, Alicia Douvall, Calum Best and Jeremy Jackson entered the Big Brother house. Interestingly, we also have celebrity blogger, Perez Hilton on the show this year!
Emma Willis suffered a nip slip when her lace top revealed a nipple on the stage. Emma Willis took the night on fire with her skills and looks. Emma wore an all black ensemble for the CBB 2015. The presenter looked super chic in an
all-black outfit which consisted of a sheer lace top, leather trousers and black jacket. While walking the stage, Emma raised her hand and at that moment, her blazer jacket revealed the lace top which showed her nipple.
Courtesy: Twitter But, the wardrobe malfunction at Celebrity Big Brother 2015's stage could not stop presenter, Emma Willis to continue the entertainment. So who all are contesting in 2015's biggest reality TV show, Celebrity Big Brother?
14 contestants including Katie Hopkins, Cami Li, Chloe Goodman, Alicia Douvall, Calum Best and Jeremy Jackson entered the Big Brother house. Interestingly, we also have celebrity blogger, Perez Hilton on the show this year!