Sunday 4 January 2015

Shocker: PC Sreeram Leaks I's Storyline?

Shockingly, ace cinematographer PC Sreeram who is awaiting the release of his latest work I has spilled the beans about I's storyline and Vikram's different roles in the movie. Speaking to a popular weekly in a recent interview, the famed cameraman has revealed some vital information pertaining to the movie.
He has said, Vikram will be playing the role of a body builder named Lingesan, a hunchback and most importantly, he will be posing as an ad film model named Lee. But that's not all, the maverick cinematographer has also given away

 the story line of the most anticipated film of recent past. He has said, "The movie is all about how Vikram's enjoyable/colorful life becomes dark and I have given the exact tone to the movie with loads of colors and darkness. I have never seen anyone else putting so much hard work for a movie." Now, with that piece 

of information can anyone guess the story of I? It is almost certain that the body builder Vikram gets transformed into a disfigured ugly looking man with a hunch back. But, here is the twist, PC Sreeram has gone on to say, 

"even with information one cannot simply guess the story of the movie." That is some confidence exhibited by the maverick director of photography. Obviously, PC Sreeram wouldn't have divulged this information if he had thought it would be easier for movie buffs to guess the story of the film. 

However, his recent interview has still come across as a surprise to many as it is not often a technician speaks about the story line of a movie that has managed to create some amazing anticipation among fans.