Monday 2 February 2015

10 Habits That Are Making Your Skin Oily

It is necessary to understand the kind of skin that you have. Everyone wants their skin to look its best at all times. 

There are usually three different types of skin - oily skin, dry skin and combination skin. Knowing the right kind of skin that you have
should be the first step of your skin care. It is important to understand that oily skin can attract more dirt, which will lead to the outbreak of pimples and many other skin problems. Along with this inbuilt property of your skin,

your lifestyle will also add some factors that make your skin oily. Your skin care habits also play a vital role in this. If you are worried of the various oily skin problems, take some time to know how skin becomes oily. Here we may discuss some of the most common reasons.

Cosmetic Usage When you are using a lot of makeup, you add one more to the oily skin reason list. Makeup blocks the oil within the skin. It is a good habit to use cosmetics only when it is absolutely necessary.

Not Washing Often If you already have have oily skin, you should make sure that you wash your face in regular intervals. Otherwise, this will make your skin oily.

More Cream When you use more cream, the skin will be oily. The amount of cream completely depends on the skin type of the person and the product that they are using. Using more cream over long period of time is an oily skin reason.

Unnecessary Skin Care Tools When you use a lot of buff puff, rotating cleansing brushes and mitts, it will only irritate the skin. This will also make the skin very dry and there will be an overproduction of oil by the oil glands to compensate this.

Wrong Products You should be completely aware of the skin type and the product that you are using. If you are using a cleanser that is made for dry skin, it will make your skin oily again.

Not Cleaning The Face When you are exposed to a lot of dirt throughout the day and if you are not cleaning your face, the dirt and the oil is clogged in the pores of your skin. This is a reason on how skin becomes oily.

Oily Food When the oil in the body increases, this will reflect on the skin. So when you are taking care of your skin, it is also important to take care of what you are eating.

Menstrual Cycle Hormone changes can simulate the oil glands. This also explains the acne bouts during periods and is an unavoidable situation which you will need to deal with.

Stress This can be both physical and emotional. When stress increases, this will increase the production of oil from the oily glands. The main reason for this is the hormonal surge.