The latest update on Ilayathalapathy Vijay's Puli is that the entire team is now stationed at a mahogany forest in Kerala near the Kochi airport. The news is that an intriguing fight sequence will be shot in the forest.
It is also said that an experienced stunt choreographer named Yong from Thailand will take care of this particular stunt scene which might turn out to be one of the highlights of the movie. Meanwhile Vijay's photo from
the shooting spot of Puli has been doing rounds in social media networks. Vijay's looks in Puli had been kept under wraps so far, but it looks like the Kaththi star will be sporting a crew cut with
a slender moustache for his 58th movie. Many speculations pertaining to the movie have been cropping up almost daily and is being eagerly gobbled up by fans. With his last two films becoming blockbuster hits, expectations are sky high for Puli and why not? With Chimbu
Deven taking up a huge responsibility of directing a high budget Vijay starrer, Puli could turn out to be the most important film in his career. Also, his skills of managing a huge star cast will be tested in this film as Puli has an amazing casting. While the music for
this much expected fantasy thriller will be composed by Devi Sri Prasad, cinematography will be taken care by the experienced Natarajan Subramaniam aka Natty and editing will be done by Sreekar Prasad. Stay tuned for more such updates on Vijay's Puli.
It is also said that an experienced stunt choreographer named Yong from Thailand will take care of this particular stunt scene which might turn out to be one of the highlights of the movie. Meanwhile Vijay's photo from
the shooting spot of Puli has been doing rounds in social media networks. Vijay's looks in Puli had been kept under wraps so far, but it looks like the Kaththi star will be sporting a crew cut with
a slender moustache for his 58th movie. Many speculations pertaining to the movie have been cropping up almost daily and is being eagerly gobbled up by fans. With his last two films becoming blockbuster hits, expectations are sky high for Puli and why not? With Chimbu
Deven taking up a huge responsibility of directing a high budget Vijay starrer, Puli could turn out to be the most important film in his career. Also, his skills of managing a huge star cast will be tested in this film as Puli has an amazing casting. While the music for
this much expected fantasy thriller will be composed by Devi Sri Prasad, cinematography will be taken care by the experienced Natarajan Subramaniam aka Natty and editing will be done by Sreekar Prasad. Stay tuned for more such updates on Vijay's Puli.