Vijay, as an actor and as a film personality has already achieved substantial fame and is one of the most respected celebrity in Tamil Nadu. Hence, one might disregard the ongoing rumour which claims that Vijay and Vishal are in the midst of a cold war of sorts.
But, is it easy to just turn away from a claim as big as this? Consider this: Vijay's upcoming movie has been titled Puli(tiger) and Vishal's upcoming film has been titled,
Paayum Puli(an attacking tiger). Though one might say that Paayum Puli is just an old title like Billa and Murattu Kaalai, the timing of announcing the title might raise a few questions.
Sources in the past have also claimed that both Vishal and Vijay are keen to improve their market in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh areas and both, often face each other when it comes to capturing the Telugu market.
Another report has it that the person who was leading and maintaining Vijay's fan club in the city, now manages Vishal's fan club thereby swapping his loyalty. Well, these are just reports
that's been doing rounds from quite sometime now. However, the rumours and gossips have once again emerged after Vishal's Poojai was released alongside Kaththi recently. So is Vishal's Paayum Puli really the answer for Vijay's Puli or is it just a mere coincident?
Many would like to believe that they are nothing more than synchronous of events. Having said, that can anyone come forward to stop what they call an alleged cold war if it has already started? Stay tuned for further updates.
But, is it easy to just turn away from a claim as big as this? Consider this: Vijay's upcoming movie has been titled Puli(tiger) and Vishal's upcoming film has been titled,
Paayum Puli(an attacking tiger). Though one might say that Paayum Puli is just an old title like Billa and Murattu Kaalai, the timing of announcing the title might raise a few questions.
Sources in the past have also claimed that both Vishal and Vijay are keen to improve their market in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh areas and both, often face each other when it comes to capturing the Telugu market.
Another report has it that the person who was leading and maintaining Vijay's fan club in the city, now manages Vishal's fan club thereby swapping his loyalty. Well, these are just reports
that's been doing rounds from quite sometime now. However, the rumours and gossips have once again emerged after Vishal's Poojai was released alongside Kaththi recently. So is Vishal's Paayum Puli really the answer for Vijay's Puli or is it just a mere coincident?
Many would like to believe that they are nothing more than synchronous of events. Having said, that can anyone come forward to stop what they call an alleged cold war if it has already started? Stay tuned for further updates.