Tollywood Celebrities' spend a life with a bed of roses said many, they also face extreme stress and depression in every day life said none. The paradox of fame and money is sometimes spine chilling. Many of the young, beautiful and talented actors and actresses of Tollywood have met the fate they did not deserve.
But they have surely made the most of the little time they have spent here with us. While many of them committed suicide because of the dark sides of glitz and glam, few of them left us in some sudden tragic incidents.
Apparently, Tollywood has lost great talent to death. However, the actors are still remembered for their remarkable work they have done before their untimely death. Let us take a moment and look back at those actors and actresses, whom we have lost at a young age.
Soundarya Soundarya, who doesn't need any introduction, died in an aircraft crash on April 17, 2004 when she was on her way to Andhra Pradesh to campaign for the Bharatiya Janata Party for the upcoming elections.
But they have surely made the most of the little time they have spent here with us. While many of them committed suicide because of the dark sides of glitz and glam, few of them left us in some sudden tragic incidents.
Apparently, Tollywood has lost great talent to death. However, the actors are still remembered for their remarkable work they have done before their untimely death. Let us take a moment and look back at those actors and actresses, whom we have lost at a young age.
Soundarya Soundarya, who doesn't need any introduction, died in an aircraft crash on April 17, 2004 when she was on her way to Andhra Pradesh to campaign for the Bharatiya Janata Party for the upcoming elections.