Monday, 22 June 2015

Ragini To Dress Like Swara To Get Her Love Lakshya!

In Swaragini, Swara tries to get fact out of Sanskar (Varun Kapoor) as she thinks he is responsible for the kidnap. She takes the help of Ragini (Tejaswi Prakash Wayangankar), Lakshya (Namish Taneja) and her mother.
But little did she know that Ragini too was involved in the crime. Ragini will be asked to record the video,

while Swara (Helly Shah) makes Sanskar eat the sweet which a tablet mixed so that he will utter everything and accept the fault, if he had done.

Fearing Sanskar would tell the truth, Ragini touches the wire in wet hand and gets electric shock. This diverts Swara's and others concentration towards Ragini. In the meanwhile, Ragini's dadi comes and Sanskar will 

say everything. Sanskar will say Ragini was his partner in crime and both of them will never allow Lakshya and Swara to get together. This shocks Dadi and she locks the room where

 Ragini was resting. She questions Ragini with the chip in her hand, in which everything Sanskar said was recorded. Sanskar even accepts in front of Dadi that he is acting mad and in reality

 he is a normal person. Ragini is shocked as Dadi gets to know the fact, while others at home still think Ragini has accepted Swara and Lakshya's love and they are proud of Ragini.

In the upcoming episode, we will see Ragini changes her avatar and she tries to look like Swara, to get Laskhya. Ragini thinks 

that Lakshya is in love with Swara because of her beauty and dressing sense, and so she tries to attract Lakshya towards her. Ragini fights with her own sister to get her love Lakshya. 

Swara is unaware of Ragini's truth, even Dadi is scared to know Ragini's reality! Will Swara and others get to know about Ragini? Will Sanskar be caught?