Wednesday 14 January 2015

Things Your Boyfriend Hates To Hear

Do you know what boyfriends don't want to hear? Male ego is one big issue in many relationships. Of course, some men are evolving and learning how to be more caring. But still, they too want to hear only good things about them. Mens' minds are wired in a different way. They want to be treated like heroes in a relationship.
At least in the starting stages, they do have this desire. Otherwise, they will quickly lose interest in the relationship. How To Deal With An Angry Boyfriend? So, do you know what boyfriends don't want to hear? Well, there are a few of such things and we shall discuss them in this article. You must have already read and understood his mind by now.

 If that is the case, you will easily agree with the below points. In fact, you would have more points in your note pad. Anyways, if you love your man, ensure that you bring out the caring side from him in the relationship.

Don't praise other men This is one of the things boyfriends don't want to hear. Your boyfriend feels insecure, the moment you praise any other man. He would lose sleep thinking that you have feelings for him. This might look childish to you but this is how some boys are. Of course, they will grow up with time and become mature. Once they reach that stage, they will understand that praising someone doesn't mean betrayal. 

Don't talk about your expenses If you come across as high maintenance woman, your boyfriend will first wonder whether he can afford your expenses in the long run. Though you have a job of your own to cover your expenses, he might think that sooner or later he must bear your costs. So, if your expenses are too high, think about how to let him know in a subtle way without scaring him away.

Don't talk about the greatness of your boss This is what what boyfriends hate to hear. Some men wonder why most of the girls get close with their male bosses. Though it is more like a father daughter relationship, guys don't understand that easily. To make things work, if you are in awe of your male boss, let your boyfriend first know that your boss is like a father figure and then start talking about his great qualities. 

Don't criticise him on face If you don't like any of your boyfriend's qualities, don't be too direct on his face. He might think that you hate him. Be diplomatic when you have to discuss about his bad qualities. He will surely change if you express things the way he wants to hear. This will become easy once you master the art of diplomacy. Critisism is one of the things boyfriends hate to hear.